Bugloos website


A Direct-to-Consumer and Customised Order Platform

Business Challenges

Business Challenges

From outdated methods to supercharged efficiency! A shifting journey to change the traditional sales models. Providing a way to understand the customer’s needs. Taking care of different tasks for different clients and customers was the main point. It wasn’t easy to keep track of all the sales and work with all the shops.

The accounting system was also hard to use. The stakeholder wanted a system that let his customers choose what to buy. The client also wanted the small shop where he works to be able to see the orders so that the staff could easily choose the items and make the purchase request. A platform for direct-to-consumer business means the client is getting the same high-quality furniture that you’d find in luxury shops , but at prices that are surprisingly affordable.

What we did for them?



Business Solution

Business Solution

A Website with Product Configuration Tool

Improving Business Success Service Customisation Platform

Create a website to help clients make furniture and sofas. Imagine visiting an UrbanSofa showroom. The variety of sofas and furnishings offers endless possibilities. Choose from a wide choice of options to design your custom product:

  • Shapes and forms
  • Fabrics and Material
  • Choice Options

How does it work for the user?

After you make the product online, the manufacturer starts creating it. All for customizing services and eliminating middlemen.

To Make Planning Even Better….

To Make Planning Even Better….

It’s All Happens behind the scene!

Bugloos direct-to-consumer website lets UrbanSofa save a lot of money. That means you can get a new couch, lounge sofa, corner sofa, or something else for up to 50% less. Since we removed the extra steps, you can even watch as the product is made step by step.